Saturday 15 June 2013



A tattoo is a type of figure alteration, made by embeddings permanent ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the shade. The predominant composed reference to the saying, "tattoo" (or Samoan "Tatau") shows up in the diary of Joseph Banks (24 February 1743 – 19 June 1820), the naturalist on board Captain Cook's boat the Hms Endeavour: "I might now notice the way they check themselves permanently, each of them is so checked by their funniness or aura". 

The saying "tattoo" was carried to Europe by the voyager James Cook, when he returned in 1771 from his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand. In his story of the voyage, he implies an operation called "tattaw". Soon after this it had been portrayed as scarring, painting, or staining 


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